Dust off Those Walking Shoes!

exercising hiking walk

Grab a jacket, lace up those shoes and get the year started with right with a little exercise & bonding time with your pup!

Don't feel like it?? I dare you to pick up that leash, watch your pup wake up from a deep sleep, frantically inquire about the noise AND THEN deny those big sweet puppy eyes a brief walk. I did say "brief" because sometimes  a short walk is all it takes to get the good mojo flowing. You got some fresh air and your furry friend got a little exercise. I also mentioned "brief" because my little man is good for just a walk around the block. Not sure if it's his baby legs or homebody tendencies, but he'll be pulling me towards a house that looks similar to ours if that walk exceeds a block. He's special. 

I've actually thought of getting a doggy stroller so my pup, Enzo, can last a little longer. So that I can get more exercise. I've scoffed at people when I noticed them walking the dog in a stroller and now I must apologize for being quick to judge. Strolling down the street may be in my future. I'm still bonding with my dog right?