About Us

Hi! I’m Demi, and I’m so glad you’re here! I love fun, furry friends, and a good time – and all of these things mixed together brought me The Tipsy Mutt.

A little back story on me…

 A California native, I’ve always been an animal lover. For real – I grew up with everything from dogs, cats, to rats, turtles and birds! I would’ve been a veterinarian if I could’ve avoided the sad or suffering situations. *If you know of a career involving only happy and healthy animals – let me know!

After graduating college in SoCal, I moved to North Texas and quickly started bartending (I love a good time!) to pay off college and credit card debt. In just a quick year – my debt was gone, and so was my full-time day job!

My pound pup at the time – a sweet chihuahua mutt – loved our days together but destroyed my apartment when I bartended nights. Enter an adorable boyfriend who watched my pup while I worked nights, saving me from more apartment destruction. Two years later, we were married!

We now have two girls and three (VERY) spoiled dogs, and guess what? What they say is true – some things never change. I still love a good time and bartend nights! And I now get to enjoy another love of mine – The Tipsy Mutt. Thank you so much for stopping by!

Demi and 1 of the dogs, Enzo

Do you know how hard it is to get a pic with 3 dogs all facing the same direction?? It's like yelling "Last Call" during a tied ballgame...chaotic. This little guy, Enzo, is my easiest because he's holdable 😉